
It's been pretty crazy around here since the end of September. Almost no time to paint, but plenty of good news:

I've got four paintings in the new Arts Council of Wilson gallery store. It's a really nice gallery in downtown Wilson, go check it out.

In November I'm teaching two drawing classes for Department of Cultural Resources employees. We'll be learning right-brain techniques for improving accuracy as well as creativity. I'm really looking forward to that.

Also in November I'm attending two workshops at Art of the Carolinas: Acrylic Landscapes and Learn To Simplify.


Coreopsis said…
I'm exploring pushing the "next blog" button the top of my own blog. I've clicked it three times now, and gotten three different, all wonderful blogs. This is a marvelous painting--luminous, bouyant. I'm amazed that it's done in acrylics, because every time I attempt acrylics, it's always really crude.
Marla said…
Thank you so much Coreopsis1

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