Amaranth and Asphodel

6x6 inches
oil on MDF

You can view and purchase this painting here.

New favorite alert! I'm really liking the slanted sunlight this time of year.  Autumn is the best time to paint in North Carolina, because it's low humidity and the skies are blue instead of white, there are fewer insects getting in your paint, and thank goodness it's not HOT.

This scene is on the walking path through the sculpture garden at the NC Museum of Art.


I know, I know. I already commented on this piece on the DPW site, but it is so darn good, I have to comment again! Great job on the back lighting, the shadows, the hill and the glorious colors. A real winner!
Marla said…
Thanks, Carol! I was very pleased with this one too. I think I'll try a larger version of it.
Wow, love this - the dappled light. Very jewel-like, and yes, go big! :)

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