Water Tower at Oak View

Water Tower at Oak View
8 x 6 inches
Oil on hardboard

You can view and purchase this painting here.

I haven't painted outside since last summer! It was fun getting back out there, especially as I have a new paintbox and tripod, built by my brilliant husband.

I LOVE the setup. Formerly I used a half French, and while it's a lovely, compact design, it takes forever to set up. This style with a camera tripod is rugged and super simple to use. It's not lightweight, but unless I was carrying it for more than a mile or so, it's not a problem. For any interested - it's modeled on the paintbox Mike Rooney uses. He's also manufacturing and selling them, so if you aren't handy with the tools yourself, I highly recommend his version.

That was the nicest day—60° and sunny. Since then we've had a cold front move in, which is more typical January weather. You might recognize that barn from this painting.


Linda Nickles said…
The light you've captured here is gorgeous, and this is a lovely painting. I also enjoyed seeing your set-up. The palette box looks similar to the James Coulter system, no?
Marla said…
Thanks, Linda!

Actually, the box is based on Mike Rooney's - thanks for the reminder to put that information in the post, I edited to add the link. Rooney may have based his design on Coulter. I have to say, I MUCH prefer it to the half French - more rugged and so much easier to set up.

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